Sunday, December 17, 2006

Remember Last Year?

Remember when Kurt Cobain was found dead with bullet holes in his head and was supposed to be hiding from Courtney Love? I don't. I didn't really know what Nirvana was in the pop cultural landscape until 3rd grade. But that hasn't stop me from taking inspiration from the rock icon. Or something to that effect.
Last year, Kurt made millions just by being himself- being dead. How cool is that? Other than to shut his eyes and rest in peace he didn't have to do anything. Too bad he will never ever experience all the money he is making. Fame has its price.

Remember when the Pepsi CEO graced the cover of Fortune trapped in a coke bottle? I don't. But eventually I knew about it. That time everyone thought of Pepsi as the losing one, trapped in a market Coke dominates in. Coca here may have defeated Pepsi in the cola wars but looking back now, everyone will agree that losing to Coke was the best thing that ever happened to Pepsi. In terms of profits, you might just want to say "Coca, what?". Why try beating something unbeatable? Now that is pure genius.
Last Year, Marissa Cooper finally died. This time its for real. Remember when she first "died"? I do. She Oded herself with Tequila and Vicodin and had to be airlifted from Tijuana back to the OC. High while dying. How cool is that? At least she had fun after discovering her boyfriend is doing her best friend.

Some things are worth to be remembered. Last year may be worth remembering. Or not. You want to be Kurt or Marissa. But don't want to die like Kurt or Marissa. Money and being high may be cool but dying is NOT. Just go do something healthy. That's what Pepsi did. How cool is that? Now that is worth remembering.

Ehem, Rhum and Prozac anyone? How about a gunshot? kidding.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

I'm Worth It

Now that I have finally told my parents, or a parent rather (blame it on some circumstances) and I have been joking about it to my friends (yes, apparently I do have some), I strongly believe that it’s about time that I make it official and confirm to the world that, yes, I’m an egomaniac, narcissistic, self-centered dork. Emphasis on the dork and more emphasis on the first three words that goes hand in hand with their inevitable clientele: self-worth.
It’s not like I told my mom I wanted to do porn because I haven’t yet and it would have been hard (pun not intended) if I told her that. I’m still even questioning myself whether she took me seriously when I spilled my guts totally out. But telling her about my being almost Narcissus was the most liberating experience I’ve ever felt, aside from, of course, walking around the house naked and telling her one time that I was almost flunking in a particular subject.Surprisingly, it wasn’t really much of a surprise to her. All I got was a pat in the back (kidding!)- no, actually more like a word slap on my face followed by a “Hey, its obvious where you got your looks from and your father and I are so proud of your witty banters, kick-ass intelligence and drop-dead gorgeousness but arrogance is something you shouldn’t have gotten from our near perfect gene pool. I’m sorry, but I think you’re not my son.” Ouch. Okay, I made that whole dialogue thing up. All I got were occasional stares of disdain and a lecture on why arrogance is bad. I’m still their son.
Recently in Time magazine, Samuel L. Jackson admitted that he is a narcissist. In my world people have known me to be as such also. No, that had not to be worth something. Just a coincidence. What is wrong with being a narcissist anyway? I’m not a murderer. I did not steal. The only thing that is “wrong” in public opinion is that I put high value on myself and my self-importance. Is that a crime? At least, I’m honest.You may not admit it or may not even be aware of it but there’s a little me in you. Inside your body’s core lurks a little James Asinero waiting to roar out your worth in the world. Or who knows? It might be a Samuel L. Jacson, a Robbie Williams, a Paris Hilton or even a Princess Diana’s son in you.For the first time, a real teen and not Dr. Phil made the proclamation of one’s self-worth an issue. When did you see a dork who is proud to be one? If I were to choose between an inflated balloon and an airless wrinkled one, I would rather be slightly airy than look worse and fell bitter than a bitter gourd. I’ll learn to love myself first, before I’ll learn to love others.
Be your own hero, spread the narcissism bug.

Monday, August 21, 2006


More than a decade ago, MTV catered the needs of innovation-hungry youth by offering the first reality show: The Real World. A decade later, thanks to my favorite show Survivor, it just did not become a recognized TV but also a Petri dish of instant celebrities. Some careers pulled through, but most died faster than you can say “instant”. I guess we already know what B-listers are, right? But they’re not really my problem- Its Gino’s. mine are the outcomes of those effects. See, to use a cliché, everything’s interconnected. A single flap from a butterfly’s wings can cause strong winds halfway around the world or something like that.
The consequences of the reality TV stars production has lead to the rise of another kind of people: The Delusionists, or to be less harsh, I call them the D-listers. Remember William Hung? In case your head needs some shaking, he’s this weird guy who sang She Bangs at an Idol audition. And He’s the perfect personification of what a delusionist is… although by achieving a celebrity status, he automatically became a B-lister. (Now, before I get attacked by some of his loyalists, I’m telling you I have a deep respect for that guy.)
It was William that started a horde of D-listers to audition in any casting call available. There were a lot, of course, but it was this guy who had insurmountable effect on people that everyone from mediocrity to anything lower that that have had the guts to put their faces to shame on television.
Lately, I realized we are being infiltrated by these bunch of people. I felt their presence from human impersonation of bowling pins, drums, tinker toys to nose that grew a nose and vice versa to Mr., /Ms. Know-it-alls that they think they’re this and that. Don’t get me wrong but loving yourself is good as long as it won’t reach to the point that you become the worst ego of all egotists.
Long before MTV came to the world, a handsome young man saw his reflection, fell in love with it, dove for it, and got drowned into oblivion. We don’t want to be the next Narcissus, right? And besided, If William Hung was such a delusionist, at least he didn’t have that much air in his head. Respect!

Friday, March 31, 2006

korean way

If Madonna reinvents herself from time to time, changing from one painfully portrayed image from to another, from a material girl to a disco queen, but at the end of the day it is still her we see on tv, buttcheeks and all, and not to mention more thin lines on her face. On the parallel side of the wormhole, an adolescent commonly known as me is finding his place on earth and is experiencing the figure of speech that was just mentioned. Instead of a popstar, it is more of a pop quiz that is bombarded to his little brains asking interconnected questions, if not, much like the same. Confused? So am I.
What I’m really talking about are the shards of existential questions our own selves ask us from once in a while. It may come in different verbs but the purpose is just the same: To question our very existence.This time that question comes in a complete package from a bottle of vitamins to a tv commercial and is even immortalized by a jingle that goes “anong meron ang taong happy?”(What does a happy person have?). It may for some people a peace of mind, a lovelife, and a great sex life. For the non-intellects, a piece of mind would do. It may also be as simple as watching your own favorite show or as noble as volunteering to live in an isolated place in Palawan to teach. For the lost souls, taking crack, weed, the “cool stuffs” only to find out that their euphoria is short-lived. Really short-lived. Who said vitamins can make you happy, anyway? And for some people, asking a serious question to a High school friend if he really got someone pregnant after graduation as if it were a joke.(definitely not mine. I was the one asked. And definitely not true!)
The other day, the Philippines was proclaimed on top of the loneliest countries in Asia. This actually came in shock, when just last year the Filipinos were lauded as one of the happiest people in this lonely planet. But boy was I shock when I saw France as one of the lonely countries and Korea on the opposite pole. See, there was this recent survey recently that showed the French were the most happy with their sex life while the Korean women were not. Does this mean that a.) Sex is no longer a factor in attaining happiness? Or b.) The French, by some sort of misfortune, passed their sexual prowess to the land of Sandara Park? But I say its C. Contentment. Maybe the Koreans were just contented with the sex they were having and the French were just insatiable. But seriously, I think it’s all a matter of loving what you got and NOT having what you want. Hmm, Does this mean being Korean is the “in” thing right now?
Because they are just so contented... and it aint because of some stupid vitamins.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Barely Legal

I guess have to don my birthday suit because I'm finally turning 18. Yeah! right? Right? Wrong. Its more like a boo because I'm getting a year older! And as for my birthday suit... well, maybe. When I finally lose my mind! haha.I still couldn't believe it. I was a kid of rockstar dreams, wet dreams and laziness yesterday but.... wait a minute! I still am a kid of rockstar dreams, wet dreams and laziness. Mom and dad, I do wanna change. But not now. Maybe tomorrow. But what I like about being in the legal age is that I can now do "adult" stuffs like drinking,sex,etc... OK. I'm not gonna go that far. yet. Besides, I seldom drink. I quit smoking. I'm still a untouched. hehe

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Spoiled Bread

I've never seen such a witch in this side of the bread. He's such a witch, he believes in so much mysticism and all. He even have the girls under his spell because they thik he's such a smart dude. Smart. Yeah right. I'm not even impressed at all.
Maybe the fact that he could write our lesson on the board without even looking at his notes could leave one's jaws dropped but one must also put in mind that this Mr. Panis (bread in Spanish) guy has been teaching, according to my guesstimation, more than a century. Ok, I made that up. But count his gray hairs! That alone is a proof. What I'm saying is, he's been teaching the same stuffs over and over again so it shouldn't come out as a shock if he knows history by heart.
Taking up history with him is such a suckfest it makes me want to go back to U.P.. Because back there, we didn't have to deal with dates, weird names, dates and weird names again. It was all why. Back in U.P., we masturbated intellectually, not mimic like a parrot. And my teacher there was cool, not like him who looks like as if taken straight fromthe Amish and thrown down to the modern world... which could also be a reason why he doesn't use microphones despite our dire need of it.
Bottomline is, If Mr. Panis was a bread, he's panis.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

To Hell With Kaye

Just when I thought Kaye Alaba went to hell along with the money she got from my classmates and my phone, then comes her comeback. Oh fuck, not her. If there’s anyone I’d like to do a comeback, It would be anyone but Kaye.

She did pay her sins, did she? Because If she didn’t, I’ll make sure she will. Now, I may come off as a devil (and not to mention a cheapstake) right now but the hell I care. I’m not so much of a forgiving person. Well, I do forget sometimes but I do not forgive. And If by any chance I would, I’ll make sure I got even first. I do not forgive- I get even. No way would I tolerate that self-conscious, in thirst of belongingness, pretentious, social-climber bitch. Maybe her parents could but not me.

I must admit. I feel a little pang of guilt knowing I could flush someone else’s life down the toilet because of P14000. I mean, how cheap is that? But then, when did her life become expensive? She even said it herself. And besides, it was her who made her life cheap.

She even had the nerve to write a letter that she’d end her life because of what I did. Did she really think I’d fall for that? She thinks her lies were good. Well, they suck! And did she really think I’d feel guilty? Ok, I did. But on second thought, why should I? I’m the victim here. I lost my phone to think I offered her my friendship.

News has it that she’s been spotted in the mall. No, not cleaning you silly. She was strolling. Oh well, some people are just thick-skinned, aren’t they?

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


My holiday break didn't become the productive two weeks I wanted it to be. My books were left unopen, the Neil Gaiman novel still unfinished, and the speech unmemorized. I am such a sloth. My schedule was just busy, I guess- busy of sleeping, eating, reading(the newspaper), watching dvd's... you know, sloth things. Now, how am I gonna be on top of my field if I'm gonna stick with this kind of life?