If Madonna reinvents herself from time to time, changing from one painfully portrayed image from to another, from a material girl to a disco queen, but at the end of the day it is still her we see on tv, buttcheeks and all, and not to mention more thin lines on her face. On the parallel side of the wormhole, an adolescent commonly known as me is finding his place on earth and is experiencing the figure of speech that was just mentioned. Instead of a popstar, it is more of a pop quiz that is bombarded to his little brains asking interconnected questions, if not, much like the same. Confused? So am I.
What I’m really talking about are the shards of existential questions our own selves ask us from once in a while. It may come in different verbs but the purpose is just the same: To question our very existence.This time that question comes in a complete package from a bottle of vitamins to a tv commercial and is even immortalized by a jingle that goes “anong meron ang taong happy?”(What does a happy person have?). It may for some people a peace of mind, a lovelife, and a great sex life. For the non-intellects, a piece of mind would do. It may also be as simple as watching your own favorite show or as noble as volunteering to live in an isolated place in Palawan to teach. For the lost souls, taking crack, weed, the “cool stuffs” only to find out that their euphoria is short-lived. Really short-lived. Who said vitamins can make you happy, anyway? And for some people, asking a serious question to a High school friend if he really got someone pregnant after graduation as if it were a joke.(definitely not mine. I was the one asked. And definitely not true!)
The other day, the Philippines was proclaimed on top of the loneliest countries in Asia. This actually came in shock, when just last year the Filipinos were lauded as one of the happiest people in this lonely planet. But boy was I shock when I saw France as one of the lonely countries and Korea on the opposite pole. See, there was this recent survey recently that showed the French were the most happy with their sex life while the Korean women were not. Does this mean that a.) Sex is no longer a factor in attaining happiness? Or b.) The French, by some sort of misfortune, passed their sexual prowess to the land of Sandara Park? But I say its C. Contentment. Maybe the Koreans were just contented with the sex they were having and the French were just insatiable. But seriously, I think it’s all a matter of loving what you got and NOT having what you want. Hmm, Does this mean being Korean is the “in” thing right now?
Because they are just so contented... and it aint because of some stupid vitamins.