If there comes a time you will no longer see that loner guy walking all by his lonesome donning that snob, regal stride he usually does, chances are he’s on the other side of the river, getting education where it is said to be more fun. You don’t want that to happen do you? Or you’re just indifferent about losing a self-absorbed handsome guy in the campus. You have not even noticed me. But if you’re a part of a minute group in the entire Xavier population whose subconscious is in manic adoration over me, then start fretting. Honey, my boat is sinking and if I can’t find a way to save myself I might end up drowning.
Now that the midterm results are out, Its vividly clear on high-def that I’m getting a capital B for Boy Am I in Big Trouble. I’m starting to fail myself again. And I’m heading down for that self-destruction spiral. Again. Ok, maybe I’m no longer that genius kid I always thought I was. Maybe I wasn’t even one. Maybe I was just hype over substance; the kind of Hollywood flick many tasteless people dig; Something that pretended to be an art film when its really not. I’m dumb. Are you happy now? Do I hear a Hawaii-Five Oh in the backgriund? Good. Savor your triumph because for now I concede and by tomorrow, Ill be that ass I always was and the airhead you always wanted to blow up.
Hey, I’m drowning. And if the only way for me to stay afloat in the surface is to give myself false hopes and bloat my ego, I’d do it in a heartbeat. It’s my nature.