Mika woke up and realized he's dead. The Grim Reaper then showed up looking purple and bloated, scratch that, in a form of a purple balloon. Having enjoyed Life in Cartoon Motion, GR (Grim's nickname) thought that the least he could do is to make Mika's journey to the other side a bearable experience. Secretly though, he was a fan. And the reason behind the singer's death is for him to enjoy Mika's falsetto- live. GR loves live music. Ever wonder why Jim Morrison, Joey Ramone and the likes died? Now you know. He tied himself to Mika and flew him up in the air.
Up above the atmosphere Mika felt good. Floating felt just like sex minus the sweat or marijuana. He couldn't distinguish. And he didn't care. But just when he thought death felt so damn good, he remembered his life insurance. It wasn't fully paid. He wasn't satisfied with the services offered by his current insurance company. He wanted to get a new one but it was already late. He was halfway there. But the whole thought made him feel uneasy. He didn't want to die without a life insurance that promises to Reduce Premiums , makes him Save Money on Insurance and offers Cheap Smoker Insurance Rates . He didn't want to die unless he gets an insurance.
Suddenly, the whole floating experience got excruciatingly painful like some post-op without his morphine. He told GR he couldn't continue because of some unfinished business. It pained GR but he couldn't let his new-fangled singer down. He didn't want to be selfish. He knew how it felt. He didn't have insurance either. And so he gave in. He gave Mika's life back but made him promise to call him whenever he felt like dying. Mika Agreed.
The next morning, Mika woke up with a new idea for his My Happy Ending video.