Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Remember when MYX could actually pass as cool? Well, me neither, since that has never transpired. Never did. Never will.

Another thing that will never happen, not in this universe nor in any alternate universe for that matter is for people to become Nia. I was actually considering Jehna for that one, but that's another story.

But anyhow, I dare ask, Why can't everyone be more like Nia; someone who actually has substance, writes VERY well and passionate at what she does? Heck she can cut her toenails and still be passionate about it. I made that one up- but you get the point. It doesn't hurt either she has this uncanny resemblance to Maricar. Uh uh, no siree. There is no way looking like someone from those infamous videos be a problem. There isn't even any problem at all.

But what has this world had come into? We suddenly have pasang-awas feeling a great deal of self-importance sprouting like mushrooms on pissed dead woods.

And all this poor guy could ever do is shudder in fear at the horrendous sight. Mushrooms are never much of a view, is it?

If you imagine at the thought alone, then try seeing it firsthand.

So why can't people be more like Nia?

You know why.


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tweeted you back. :]

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