Saturday, April 26, 2008

Last of my kind

I was rooting for Jason the entire night because

  • he’s the underdog (we all love the underdog, don’t we?),

  • showed Ozzy who’s boss by beating him at the immunity challenge

  • tried to help Eliza

  • and connived with her to oust Ozzy … which eventually backfired… but lead to Eliza’a outing Ozzy as having the hidden Immunity idol

  • the girls are dominating and picking the male specie one by one

There were countless times last night wherein I just want to hit him in the head and wake him up, the whole childlike wide-eyed kid charisma was, even though frustrating, spelled capital RESPECT. God, I didn’t expect that there are still good-natured people living in this world. I thought was the last one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Surprising to find one in this crazy world we live in.. Hi my friend... Passing by...