Saturday, April 26, 2008

To James and Eliza

The Ozzy blindside episode of Survivor is now by far the best this season and it’s all because the narcissistic, arrogant, self-absorbed and so-full-of-himself Ozzy Lusth got the boot. Booyah… which lead to James thinking he’s no longer the dumbest ever in Survivor history.

UH Yes James, you’re still the dumbest Survivor ever. Don’t you ever forget that. How on earth did you get the idea? Thou shall not compare your experience with Ozzy because yours was a case of stupidity, not conceit.

And Eliza, didn’t it ever occur to you that, now, less is more. Cue in Bardem. You knew that was going to happen. Your reaction looked exaggerated... but I still like you though. Forgiven.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.